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7 Days: 8AM - 8PM

When you feel good, You do good.

We all know this!

When the wheels fall off we go nowhere! So keep the chakras turning, the fire burning and the light bright! 

By the time my mother figured out the importance of self care she was quite truly on her death bed. 

At 51 she lived in an aged care home, depending on a walking frame. It was a gut wrenching, heartbreaking sight and a hard pill for me to swallow as an 18 year old!

I recall her for the first time in my life, doing exercises on her bed. She was in so much pain and to help ease it, she was trying gentle bicycle movements. 

She was addicted to pain medication ever since I was little. It took her from me very early, the drugs and their vortex! It’s one of the deeper reasons for my personal passion for natural therapies for pain!

A week after her funeral I was hospitalised after a car accident. I had whiplash, cracked ribs and incredible pain. I suffered chronic neck and back pain from then on… until Myotherapy came along! 

This is one of my biggest Reasons for being so moved to reach as many people as possible, to empower them to better understand pain and it’s natural treatments! 

THIS is why I’m so passionate about what we do at Advanced Myotherapy! 

So, there you have it! My reason and purpose for being the biggest cheerleader for Myotherapy! It was the one thing that “Cracked that code” for me personally! Nothing worked quite as well that I had previously tried.

I tried Chiropractic, Acupuncture, time off work (but as a young person living alone, I could hardly afford to). Then there was Matt! And I believe the main DIFFERENCE was, the specific personalised treatment and education!

And that’s how we began! We helped each other with our studies and made a lot of sense together and as fire signs, we both fuelled one another’s passions.

This was in 2008 when Matthew opened his doors to our first clinic location in Carlton. It was divine timing and perfect synchronicity! I had previously studied Business at Victoria University, and while I helped Matthew with his business plan… he helped me with my Training and Assessment studies.

At that time I was also teaching a subject of Holistic Counselling which is why I needed to obtain my Trainers qualification. And, so that is how we came together in this world! That was the birthplace of our mission, vision and values!

Hope you enjoyed learning about some of our inspiration! We share Matthews story in our co-authored book Moving Beyond Pain, which is available as a download on the website. Or next time you’re in the clinic, grab a hard copy for your book shelf:)


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