


Opening Hours

7 Days: 8AM - 8PM

Showing: 1 - 10 of 132 RESULTS

Cupping Therapy for Back Pain

Cupping Therapy for Back Pain & Athletic Injury Recovery…

Watch as Myotherapist explaines how cupping therapy works to restore range of motion for twisting required in Soccer and other sports activities.

Here we treat our Soccer player for Sports recovery and performance with posterior oblique sling Myotherapy Cupping.

How Not To Sleep

The roots of joint, muscular and nerve pain can so often have hidden causes! Much of the time it can be habitual or trauma.

Our job is getting to the bottom of it to help prevent deterioration of pain conditions. Find out some of the things you can do to recover faster from Hip Pain at Advanced Myotherapy.

Our Brunswick Clinic

Advanced Myotherapy is so thrilled to announce the opening of our Brunswick clinic! It’s been quite the journey as most of our colleagues would say in Melbourne the last couple of crazy years! But… we …

Remote Myotherapy in Victoria

Victorian Myotherapists have been urged to take a more conservative “interpretation” of the DHHS Guidelines surrounding the current stage 4 lockdowns, as other states continue face to face care. It is with incredible sadness that …