


Opening Hours

7 Days: 8AM - 8PM

Showing: 1 - 8 of 8 RESULTS

Back Pain Treatment

“I had doctors telling me I needed surgery, now they are scratching their heads after seeing my follow up scan only months later. NO more herniated disc!” – Grant Smith Grant Smith came to Advanced Myotherapy …

Myotherapy & Fibromyalgia

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6 Stretches to reverse Sciatica

With the right knowledge and self-care, Sciatica can be significantly reduced and reversed. Myotherapy sees many clients recover from this debilitating condition. Sciatica can be experienced as sharp and shooting pain through the glut and down the …

Cupping Therapy

Increase blood flow to promote healing Decrease muscular tension and pain Stretch muscles and release fascia Break down scar tissue Increase range of motion Offering Myotherapy Cupping, Dry Needling & Remedial Massage since 2000, Advanced Myotherapy are a leading, 16 x award winning clinic with multiple locations. Cupping therapy is …