


Opening Hours

7 Days: 8AM - 8PM

Better than a cure, the most valuable investment you can make is in your health! 

A truly underestimated  pathway towards healing and recovery in every sense of disease, from speeding up injury recovery and cellular regeneration to reversing accumulated toxins in the form of Cancer cell growth, whole foods medicine, simple nutrition and self care are our most abundant sources of health and well being.

But you won’t hear too much about this from mainstream medical professionals. Doctors of “General Practice” don’t have any training in this field. Doctors training includes not one subject on nutrition, not even a lecture…in all of the 6 years they train. Not one! Scary? Surprising?

To us, this is obscene. Attending the International Association of Cancer Victors & Friend’s event over the weekend, Advanced Myotherapy enjoyed an informative talk from the well known Dr Ian Gawler from the Gawler Foundation, where this topic was discussed.

What we were inspired by, was the very real and overwhelming evidence that “You can heal” from such toxic conditions, beyond the orthodox medical prognosis’ – just as we have seen many of our own clients do. From being recommended surgery, numerous clients of our own have returned for scans months after such debilitating diagnosis, with complete healing and recovery of structural integrity, just as Dr Ian Gawler experienced many years ago. He now lives 30 yrs past what he was expected to after recovering from bone cancer.

So after being inspired by Dr Ian Gawler over this last weekend, we encourage each of you this month, to look closely at your lifestyles, your habits and self care. Do you take enough time out for yourself, to rejuvenate?

It has been found in many studies that those who work less, are far more productive than those that work hard. So we say…work Smart, No Hard. At Advanced Myotherapy we follow this same principle.

To get lasting results, we provide thorough assessments and self care education for the long term health and balance of our clients. This has worked well for us, in supporting our clients to become independent, not relying on us for long term pain management, rather than gaining an understanding of a real solution, being simple self maintenance and prevention.

In saying this, we encourage each of you to take good care, set some time aside for you, and prevent burn out with more focus on the long term. We like to say…you either invest in your health now…or later. The choice is yours.

So remember…It’s important to Eat that little bit better, move that little bit more, and inquire that little bit deeper about how you can best look after you…for these are the little things that will take you far. So take care dear friends, and when stressed, worn out or wound up, remember we are here. Not just for when you’re in pain. In fact, preferably before. And with our online booking system save yourself some valuable time, and book online next time.

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