As we enter our 2nd week back we would like to wish you an awesome year as we arrive in February to the Chinese Astrological Solar Year of the Yang Wood Horse. Given that the Horse is the zodiac sign with the greatest “Yang” energy, being the Yang Fire animal, this is a time where balance becomes vital. Energetically this means that any health issues relating to the “fire element” of the body-mind-spirit can be exacerbated.
The fire element relates to the heart, the central nervous system and the spirit. This means that people with sleeping issues will now face even more challenges to balance their “fire element”, along with those facing emotional challenges or suffering with neuro-muscular pain. This year we need to care for our nervous system by maintaining musculoskeletal balance, emotional wellbeing and sound stress management / lifestyle medicine.
It’s the year to have Lavender on standby, as one of the many helpful essential oils that helps calm and sooth nerves, reduce pain and ease emotional stress. Aromatherapy works on the Nervous system and is therefore a fantastic modality for “fire element” imbalances. This year, any imbalances of the fire element within our own energy, body and health, will be more notable, making it important to look after these areas of our health.
As you can imagine, even with little understanding of the “five elements”, the elements that bring balance to the fire element include, water…to put out the fire, meaning to keep the nervous system under control with cooling properties to prevent overheating and stimulation. Water element can be reinforced with plenty of rest, water, hydrating plant foods, salt therapies and swimming of coarse. Also helping to balance excessive fire element is the “earth element”.
Earth element can be supported with plenty of natural earth foods, especially those that are sweet and grounding like pumpkins. Earth element can also be supported with regular physical activity and meditation to calm the mind. So as you can see, this year, there is plenty you can do to maintain inner balance, including regular self maintenance with Myotherapy. Myotherapy in particular helps with neuro-muscular pain that can lead to both spinal and nerve damage if left untreated.
So remember, prevention is far better than any cure. And don’t forget, your habits create your health. So keep well this year and take care.