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7 Days: 8AM - 8PM

Showing: 1 - 10 of 31 RESULTS

How Not To Sleep

The roots of joint, muscular and nerve pain can so often have hidden causes! Much of the time it can be habitual or trauma.

Our job is getting to the bottom of it to help prevent deterioration of pain conditions. Find out some of the things you can do to recover faster from Hip Pain at Advanced Myotherapy.

The Value of Stretching

The power of stretching is often greatly underestimated. Often people can be unaware of the need to spend sufficient time holding stretches correctly and gently, so as to gain the full potential possible from their routine. …

Self Care for Pain Management

Approaching the colder weather (as we are here in Melbourne) increases the need for self care dramatically! So many people suffer with cold related pain due to the fact that with the cold, comes muscular …

Myotherapy for Stress

Myotherapy  promotes restored blood flow and wellbeing in releasing restricted fascia that places undue pressure on the spine. The body’s incredibly vital circulatory system can greatly be supported with modalities such as remedial massage and dry …