The body’s incredibly vital circulatory system can greatly be supported with modalities such as remedial massage and dry needling, used in Myotherapy.
Dry needling is applied to the muscular system for the release of restricted fascia and muscle fibres that prevent a natural and full range of motion.
As a method of restoring full physical potential, Myotherapy uses dry needling among other holistic modalities such as cupping, myofascial release, remedial and trigger point therapy as well as PNF stretching, for the purpose of facilitating recovery, much less attained via more isolated approaches treating symptoms without their root causes.
At Advanced Myotherapy, we promote the effective recovery of injuries, assisting people to re-gain full function often faster than expected and thought possible.
Using various techniques, we work to release muscles in areas of both chronic and acute levels of imbalance and pain.
Helping to stimulate blood flow in stagnant areas with poor circulation and stiffness Myotherapy is a great method of treating pain caused by injuries, general stress and winter lethargy.
Tightening muscles have a purpose of protecting the organs inside from the cold outside…being the reason why cold weather can leave us feeling exhausted in the best conditions.
Simple things such as a sufficient physical exercise & heat application to aching muscles, can help release tension from activities of daily living while preventing long term habituated poor posture and pain.
Using the aid of nature’s healing essential oils such as Lavender massaged into muscles as well as the the temples and wrists can also sooth the nerves, offering further relief from stress and pain in the body.
Understanding the very physiological connection between the nervous system, bodily functions, pain and the spinal health, can be key to seeing the importance of muscular balance in order to maintain postural alignment.
Incorporating a Holistic approach in treatment, Advanced Myotherapy offer a more personalised experience that makes a longer term difference in postural health. Self care planning is an integral part of our work as we consider each individual’s unique lifestyle and contributing stress factors on postural imbalances.
We make Self Care simple so it can become a part of your every day. Making small but specific changes to align, correct and reverse bad habits, our aim is to work with you in creating lasting personal transformation.