


Opening Hours

Mon - Sat: 8AM - 8PM

When it comes to illnesses and ailments, prevention is always better than cure. There is no substitute for a healthy body—certainly not even a repaired one.  Myotherapy focuses primarily on treatment of the root of problematic symptoms, as well as their prevention. The aim of Myotherapy is long-term relief from pain symptoms by treating their underlying causes.

Offering effective treatment for pain management and musculoskeltal conditions, Myotherapy combines advanced active release techniques with modalities such as dry needling, trigger point therapy, cupping and much more than just massage therapy alone, and is considered a specialist field of muscle therapy, used to treat symptoms of pain and deep-seeded problems of the muscular system.

Incorporating extensive consultation and assessment for the purpose of addressing key postural issues, Myotherapy is a successful method of treating ailments such as spinal nerve root compression.

This condition is one that sees pressure from a herniated disk, stemming from muscular imbalances and tensions, placing pressure on both discs and joints.

Chronic back pain is often treated with surgery that requires a minimum of months in recovery in many cases. However, surgery is most often performed far too quickly upon the recommendation of Doctor’s which is both financially costly and physically taxing.

Given the wide range of risks also involved, it is obviously to far better to avoid surgery and choose more corrective types of treatment, such as Myotherapy.

Advanced myotherapy has a natural and holistic approach to therapy.

Our clinical treatment has proven to be beneficial for pain management and rehabilitation in many cases that have defied diagnosis and bypassed recommended surgery.

Treating the roots of many symptoms, we have successfully treated  many conditions such as sciatica, neck pain, carpel tunnel, disk herniation and a lot more.

Other benefits of Myotherapy in general include correction of posture and spinal alignment which is significantly influential  in maintaining a healthy body and mind from a very scientific perspective regarding the function of all body systems.

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