


Opening Hours

7 Days: 8AM - 8PM

Perhaps you find yourself at a fork in the road on your journey as a practitioner in the health industry. Time spent with a mentor can help enhance clarity around professional opportunities for growth and development.

  • Deepen your insight into the principles of practitioner longevity, enriching your own career fulfillment in the process.
  • Refine your skills as a therapist to develop confidence in client assessment with an effective holistic approach to treatment plans.
  • Develop and expand your professional skills set to greater serve your clients needs and reach new levels of results.
  • Explore ways to establish and grow your own client centred business.
  • Explore a range of principles in assisting clients reach their full health potential and treatment results.

Matthew’s mentoring program will offer you a combination of case study debriefing and the opportunity to gain insight into practice principles and philosophies that have been developed over Matthews 16 year career.


One hour sessions in clinic (one-off or regular) at $120

One month program (4 x weekly 45 minute calls) $360

For more information or to register your interest, contact Matthew




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